Getting Started in Fitness Requires Motivation

Workout, Fitness

Wanting to get fit and in shape but not to sure where to start? First things first, to get into fitness you need to find some motivation. Their are a tonne of online fitness motivation sources to get fit out there, and a person can read every single one of them, and they may or may not work. I found that these types of motivators basically cater to people who are already fit. There are tips and pointers for beginners but I found that these wouldn’t get me off the couch and in the gym.

Really the best motivating drive your going to get is after you start working out. I know, I Know, you need to get started before the motivation comes? The reason I say this is that the best motivator is your body’s feedback it gives you after you begin working out.

So thats fine, but how do you get started in fitness? Schedule it. Simple. Place your workouts in your calendar and DON’T MISS IT. There is no magic poster or special pill that will actually move you to workout, but if you make the time for it, it becomes easier to get started. Also, plan your meals. I find that if I take the time to plan my meals for the week then I can make the time to get to a workout. The theory is to not let yourself down, and don’t think up of any reasons not to, thats negative, instead think of ALL the reasons you should make working out a priority. This will set you off on the right track into fitness and to start working out. Like I mentioned earlier once you start working out your body will provide the feedback to continue improving.

I would then suggest going to a few of the online motivational sites and reading up on keeping your workouts fresh to stay motivated. Always set goals for yourself, it doesn’t really matter what they are, just set a goal and achieve it. I wouldn’t focus on weight goals so much however. I find weight is not a valid feedback to your fitness levels. Instead do body measurements. This isn’t just for guys either. Sure measure your arms and chest, but don’t forget to measure your waist around your naval, and your legs. Also, this is the embarrassing one, pinch test yourself and write down about how much you were able to pinch. I was surprised about how much I could pinch. These measurements will be better feedback to indicate that your workouts are working. Weight fluctuates depending on how much liquid you drink and if you are working out you are building muscle which weighs more than fat, so you may never loose weight on the scale, however you may be getting fitter!

These are online resources that I have found excellent to keep my motivation high.  They offer all sorts of resources from recipes for good food to great new workout tips and plans.

Enjoy your new lifestyle!