Category: Psychological Safety

  • Ever wondered what might be going on in a co-workers head?

    Ever wondered what might be going on in a co-workers head?

    Today, we’re exploring a skill that’s absolutely crucial in creating a psychologically safe workplace: empathy. As someone who’s worked with diverse teams and navigated complex workplace dynamics, I can tell you that empathy isn’t just a nice-to-have soft skill—it’s a fundamental driver of overall workplace well-being. Let’s start by clarifying what we mean by empathy in…

  • Ever feel like you let your team down?

    Ever feel like you let your team down?

    I want to explore a powerful concept often unnoticed in our day-to-day work lives: ripple effects—specifically, the ripple effect of our actions on team dynamics. As someone who’s led teams and observed organizational behaviour, I’ve seen firsthand how a single action can create waves that transform entire workplace cultures, no matter how small. Let’s start…

  • How did you feel the last time you made a mistake at work?

    How did you feel the last time you made a mistake at work?

    I want to tackle a topic that many of us find uncomfortable: failure. But I’m here to tell you that embracing failure is essential for innovation and growth. As someone who’s experienced both successes and failures in my entrepreneurial journey, I’ve come to see failure not as an endpoint but as a crucial part of…

  • Do you trust your colleagues?

    Do you trust your colleagues?

    I want to discuss a crucial psychological safety element in the workplace: Trust. As someone who’s seen both the power of trust and the devastating effects of its absence, I can tell you that trust isn’t just nice to have—it’s the bedrock of a thriving, psychologically safe work environment. Let’s start by acknowledging a hard truth:…

  • Are you comfortable with being vulnerable at work?

    Are you comfortable with being vulnerable at work?

    Can we start by challenging a long-held misconception about leadership? We’ll explore how vulnerability, often seen as a weakness, is actually a profound source of strength for leaders. For too long, we’ve clung to an outdated image of leadership – the infallible, all-knowing figure who never shows doubt or uncertainty. But this model of leadership…

  • Have you ever been shutdown by a manager?

    Have you ever been shutdown by a manager?

    Let’s explore an often overlooked but incredibly impactful topic: the hidden costs of fear in the workplace. As someone who’s experienced and witnessed the effects of fear-based cultures, I can tell you that the price we pay goes far beyond what’s visible on the surface. Picture this: a workplace where people are afraid to speak…

  • What’s your gut reaction when you consider voicing a concern at work?

    What’s your gut reaction when you consider voicing a concern at work?

    Can we discuss a challenge many face: finding the courage to speak up in the workplace? As someone who’s navigated supportive and demanding work environments, I’ve learned that speaking up is a skill we can cultivate regardless of our surroundings, and it always pays off!  Let’s start by acknowledging something important: speaking up can be scary. Whether…

  • How does your workplace affect your energy levels day to day?

    How does your workplace affect your energy levels day to day?

    I want to discuss something deeply personal yet universally relatable—the emotional impact of working in a psychologically safe environment. As someone who’s experienced both toxic and nurturing workplaces, I can tell you firsthand that the difference is more than you could imagine. When your workplace can energize you, you can bring that energy into your…

  • How casual are you when working in a team?

    How casual are you when working in a team?

    Let’s explore how psychological safety supercharges team performance. As someone who’s led teams and observed organizational dynamics, I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of psychological safety in the workplace. Let’s start by challenging an outdated notion: pressure and fear drive peak performance. This old-school thinking suggests keeping employees on edge will push them to excel.…

  • How valued do you feel when you express a different opinion?

    How valued do you feel when you express a different opinion?

    Here, we’re diving into the five key signs of a psychologically safe workplace. As someone passionate about creating environments where people can thrive, I’ve observed these indicators consistently in high-performing, ethically sound organizations. Open and honest communication: In a psychologically safe workplace, you’ll witness a powerful sense of empowerment. People speak up freely, sharing ideas,…