How can I show up at work as an ESFJ-A to improve psychological safety?

Psychological Safety at Work

Personality types offer us a shared language to articulate our inner experiences, helping us bridge the gap between our internal worlds and our interactions with others. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) provides a framework that allows us to understand and communicate our natural tendencies, strengths, and areas for growth. By using this common language, we can foster better understanding and empathy in the workplace, creating psychologically safe environments.

For ESFJs, particularly those with the Assertive trait (ESFJ-A), this shared understanding can be a powerful tool in nurturing a supportive and open work atmosphere. Let’s explore how you, as an ESFJ-A, can leverage your distinctive traits to enhance psychological safety in your workplace:

  1. Utilize your natural empathy: As an ESFJ, you can remarkably tune into others’ emotions. Use this skill to sense when colleagues are uncomfortable or hesitant and create opportunities for them to express themselves safely.
  2. Foster a sense of belonging: Your desire for harmony and skill in creating a welcoming atmosphere can help everyone feel included. Organize team-building activities or connect with each team member personally.
  3. Provide emotional support: Your strong Fe (Extraverted Feeling) function makes you excellent at offering emotional support. Create a safe space for colleagues to share their concerns and offer understanding and encouragement.
  4. Establish and maintain social norms: ESFJs understand and support social structures. Use your natural ability to establish and reinforce norms that promote psychological safety, such as active listening and respectful communication.
  5. Lead by example in conflict resolution: When conflicts arise, demonstrate how to address them in a constructive, empathetic manner. Your natural diplomacy can help turn disagreements into opportunities for growth and understanding.
  6. Celebrate team successes: Only some people can see the wins you see. Your appreciation for tradition and celebration can boost team morale. Recognize individual and team achievements, reinforcing the value of each person’s contributions.
  7. Provide constructive feedback gently: While you may sometimes avoid giving negative feedback to maintain harmony, remember that constructive criticism is crucial for growth. Deliver it with kindness and specific suggestions for improvement.
  8. Create structure and consistency: Your preference for structure can help create a predictable environment where people feel secure. Establish regular check-ins or feedback sessions to provide consistent opportunities for open communication.
  9. Leverage your practical nature: As an SJ type, you have a sensible, grounded approach. Use this to implement tangible, day-to-day practices that foster psychological safety, such as “no-interruption” rules during team discussions.
  10. Embrace your Assertive trait: As an ESFJ-A, you likely have confidence in your abilities and decisions. Use this self-assurance to stand up for creating and maintaining a psychologically safe environment, even when faced with resistance.

An ESFJ-A may sometimes focus too much on external harmony at the expense of addressing underlying issues. Be mindful of this tendency and strive to create an environment where constructive disagreement is valued and necessary for growth.

Your natural warmth, empathy, and desire for harmony make you well-suited to fostering psychological safety. However, you must balance these traits with the courage to address conflicts and the wisdom to know when to prioritize long-term growth over short-term comfort.

By leveraging your ESFJ strengths, you can be crucial in creating a work environment where everyone feels valued, heard, and safe to be their authentic selves. Your ability to create harmonious social environments and your practical approach to implementation can significantly contribute to building and maintaining a supportive, psychologically safe workplace that allows all team members to thrive.